Browse by Author > Dagorn Laurent
Residence times and vertical behaviour of tunas around drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Indian Ocean Rodney Govinden, Fabien Forget, John Filmalter, Marc Soria, Laurent Dagorn
Survival rate of silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) caught incidentally onboard French tropical purse seiners. Francois Poisson, John David Filmalter, Anne-lise Vernet, Michel Goujon, Laurent DAGORN
Establishing a reference point to assess the existence of an ecological trap for tropical tunas Marianne Robert, Laurent Dagorn, Nathalie Bodin, Fabrice Pernet, Eve-Julie Arsenault-Pernet, Jean Louis Deneubourg
ISSF Skippers Workshops: finding best practices in bycatch reduction with the collaboration of tuna purse seine fishers. Jefferson Murua, Laurent DAGORN, David Itano, Gala MORENO, Hall Martin, Victor RESTREPO
Behavioural plasticity displayed by tuna at fish aggregating devices (FADs) Marianne Robert, Laurent Dagorn, John David Filmalter, Jean Louis Deneubourg, David Itano, Kim Holland
Horizontal and vertical behavior of the oceanic whitetip shark in the western Atlantic ocean Mariana Tolotti, John Filmalter, Paulo Travassos, Fábio Hazin, Laurent Dagorn
How much do fish aggregating devices (FADs) modify the habitat of tropical tunas? Nicolas Bez, Laurent Dagorn
Fin to carcass weight ratios for the silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis, in the south-western Indian Ocean Bernard SERET, Antonin Blaison, John David Filmalter, Laurent Dagorn
The behavioural ecology of two major bycatch species of the tuna purse-seine fishery: the oceanic triggerfish and the rainbow runner Fabien Forget, John David Filmalter, Paul Cowley, Laurent Dagorn
Preliminary results of bycatch mitigation techniques before and during setting in the tuna purse seine fishery Fabien Forget, John David Filmalter, Laurent Dagorn
Is spatial closure efficient for reducing silky shark bycatch by purse seiners? Monin AMANDE, Laurent Dagorn, Pierre CHAVANCE, Alicia DELGADO DE MOLINA, Hilario MURUA, Nicolas BEZ
Ghost fishing of silky sharks by drifting FADs: highlighting the extent of the problem John Filmalter, Laurent Dagorn, Manuela Capello
The role of FADs in the ecology of juvenile silky sharks John Filmalter, Fabien FORGET, Michel Potier, Paul Cowley, Laurent Dagorn
Horizontal movement behaviour of silky and oceanic whitetip sharks in the Indian Ocean. John Filmalter, Francois Poisson, Anne-lise Vernet, Fabien FORGET, Paul Cowley, Laurent Dagorn
Targeting bigger schools can reduce ecosystem impacts of fisheries Laurent Dagorn, John Filmalter, Fabien FORGET, Monin Amandè, Hall Martin, Peter Williams, Hilario Murua, Javier Ariz, Pierre Chavance, Nicolas Bez
Using fishers' echosounder buoys for scientific studies Jon Lopez, Gala Moreno, Guillermo Boyra, marc Soria, Laurent DAGORN
Behavior of fish aggregations assessed using fishers' echosounder buoys Jon Lopez, Gala Moreno, Laurent DAGORN
Using FADs to derive fishery independent indices for monitoring ecosystem impacts from industrial fishing Laurent Dagorn, Manuela Capello, Fabien FORGET, John David Filmalter, Bastien Mérigot, Jean-Louis Deneubourg
Role of social interactions on dynamics of fish aggregations in a multi-site system of fish aggregating devices (FADs) Grégory Sempo, Laurent DAGORN, Marianne Robert, Jean-Louis Deneubourg
Temporal patterns of yellowfin and skipjack tuna associated with anchored and drifting FADs marc Soria, Manuela Capello, Fabien FORGET, John Filmalter, Sunil Beehary, Riyaz Jauhary, Rodney Govinden, David Itano, Kim Holland, Laurent Dagorn
Can the fishing time at FADs be adjusted to reduce bycatch by purse seiners? Fabien Forget, John David Filmalter, Rodney Govinden, marc Soria, Paul Cowley, Laurent Dagorn
Good practices to reduce the mortality of sharks and rays caught incidentally by the tropical tuna purse seiners. Francois Poisson, Bernard SERET, Anne-Lise Vernet, Michel Goujon, Laurent DAGORN