Browse by Author > Bach Pascal
Is the fishing time an appropriate bycatch mitigation measure in swordfish-targeting longline fisheries? Pascal Bach, Vincent Lucas, Manuela Capello, Evgeny Romanov
Bait innovation as a new challenge in pelagic longlining Pascal Bach, Timothée Hodent, Clara Donadio, Evgeny Romanov, Laurent Dufossé, Jean-Jacques Robin
Large fish predators diversity highlighted by tuna fisheries data in the Indian Ocean Frédéric Ménard, Monique Simier, Nerea Lezama, Monin Amandè, Michel Potier, Evgeny Romanov, Pascal Bach, Hilario Murua, Nicolas Bez, Pierre Chavance, Alicia Delgado de Molina, Bastien Merigot
Ecological Risk Assessment for species incidentally caught by fisheries managed by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Hilario Murua, Haritz Arrizabalaga, Julia Hsiang-Wen Huang, Pascal Bach, Miguel Neves dos Santos, Evgeny Romanov, Yokawa Kotaro, Jiangfeng Zhu, Zang-Geum Kim, Pierre Chavance, Alicia Delgado de Molina, Javier Ariz, Rui Coelho, Jon Ruiz
Pelagic elasmobranch diversity and abundance in the Western Indian Ocean: an analysis of long-term trends from research and fisheries longline data Evgeny Romanov, Pascal Bach, Njaratiana Rabearisoa, Natalya Romanova
Spatio-temporal patterns of hooking contacts in pelagic longlining : Do they depend on the catch composition (target species versus bycatch)? Manuela Capello, Pascal Bach, Evgeny Romanov
Linear growth of two oceanic sharks, Prionace glauca (blue shark) and Carcharhinus falciformis (silky shark) in the south western Indian Ocean assessed by back-calculation from vertebrae age readings Niriniony Rabehagasoa, Laurent Vigliola, Evgeny Romanov, Steven Campana, Anne Lorrain, Pascal Bach
Can stable isotopes document trophic position, diet, and movement in pelagic sharks? Case studies in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans Frédéric Ménard, Niriniony Rabehagasoa, Anne Lorrain, Michel Potier, Sébastien Jaquemet, Pedro Afonso, Maëlle Connan, Armelle Jung, Pascal Bach