Browse by Author > Mérigot Bastien
Using FADs to derive fishery independent indices for monitoring ecosystem impacts from industrial fishing Laurent Dagorn, Manuela Capello, Fabien FORGET, John David Filmalter, Bastien Mérigot, Jean-Louis Deneubourg
Large fish predators diversity highlighted by tuna fisheries data in the Indian Ocean Frédéric Ménard, Monique Simier, Nerea Lezama, Monin Amandè, Michel Potier, Evgeny Romanov, Pascal Bach, Hilario Murua, Nicolas Bez, Pierre Chavance, Alicia Delgado de Molina, Bastien Merigot
Characterization of interactions between marine mammals, whale sharks and tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans Anna Capietto, Renaud Pianet, Alicia Delgado de Molina, Hilario MURUA, Laurent Floch, Alain Damiano, Pierre Chavance, Bastien Merigot