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Horizontal movement behaviour of silky and oceanic whitetip sharks in the Indian Ocean. John Filmalter, Francois Poisson, Anne-lise Vernet, Fabien FORGET, Paul Cowley, Laurent Dagorn
Can stable isotopes document trophic position, diet, and movement in pelagic sharks? Case studies in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans Frédéric Ménard, Niriniony Rabehagasoa, Anne Lorrain, Michel Potier, Sébastien Jaquemet, Pedro Afonso, Maëlle Connan, Armelle Jung, Pascal Bach
Horizontal and vertical behavior of the oceanic whitetip shark in the western Atlantic ocean Mariana Tolotti, John Filmalter, Paulo Travassos, Fábio Hazin, Laurent Dagorn
A novel approach to predict fish abundance using thermocline depth and animal movement data Jose Miguel Ponciano, Felipe Carvalho
Spatial ecology and fisheries of juvenile blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the mid-North Atlantic frederic vandeperre, Pedro Afonso, Alexandre Aires-da-Silva, Marco Santos, Alan Bolten, Ricardo Serrao Santos
Linear growth of two oceanic sharks, Prionace glauca (blue shark) and Carcharhinus falciformis (silky shark) in the south western Indian Ocean assessed by back-calculation from vertebrae age readings Niriniony Rabehagasoa, Laurent Vigliola, Evgeny Romanov, Steven Campana, Anne Lorrain, Pascal Bach
Bomb radiocarbon dating of the Indian Ocean blue shark Prionace glauca: a preliminary test of ageing accuracy Evgeny Romanov, Steven Campana, Niriniony Rabehagasoa
Identification of nursery areas of the blue and the oceanic whitetip sharks in southwestern Atlantic Ocean Mariana Tolotti, Thierry Frédou, Flávia Lucena Frédou, Fábio Hazin, Humber Agrelli, Paulo Travassos
Fin to carcass weight ratios for the silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis, in the south-western Indian Ocean Bernard SERET, Antonin Blaison, John David Filmalter, Laurent Dagorn
Recent Developments in Pop-up Tag Technology in Support of Fisheries Research Melinda Holland