Browse by Session
The respective role of vessels, skipper and environment in tuna catches François-Charles Wolff, Dale Squires, Patrice Guillotreau
Ghost fishing of silky sharks by drifting FADs: highlighting the extent of the problem John Filmalter, Laurent Dagorn, Manuela Capello
Using FADs to derive fishery independent indices for monitoring ecosystem impacts from industrial fishing Laurent Dagorn, Manuela Capello, Fabien FORGET, John David Filmalter, Bastien Mérigot, Jean-Louis Deneubourg
Yellowfin tuna as an indicator of ecosystem state in the eastern tropical Pacific Summer L. Martin, Lisa T. Ballance
How much do fish aggregating devices (FADs) modify the habitat of tropical tunas? Nicolas Bez, Laurent Dagorn
Full Retention in tuna fisheries: Benefits, costs, and unintended consequences Valerie Chan, Raymond Clarke, Dale Squires
Understanding fisheries credit systems: do they offer something new to existing management arrangements? Mariëlle van Riel, Simon Bush, Paul van Zwieten, Arthur Mol
How the MSC fisheries certification program assesses environmental issues of tuna fisheries and minimizes their impacts on the ecosystems Carlos Montero
Ecological Risk Assessment for species incidentally caught by fisheries managed by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Hilario Murua, Haritz Arrizabalaga, Julia Hsiang-Wen Huang, Pascal Bach, Miguel Neves dos Santos, Evgeny Romanov, Yokawa Kotaro, Jiangfeng Zhu, Zang-Geum Kim, Pierre Chavance, Alicia Delgado de Molina, Javier Ariz, Rui Coelho, Jon Ruiz
Ecological metrics of biomass removed by three methods of purse-seine fishing for tunas in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean Tim Gerrodette, Robert Olson, Stephen Reilly, George Watters, William Perrin
On the fast track to managing FADs Susan Jackson