EBFMtuna-2012 : Towards ecosystem-based management of tuna fisheries
Mitigating impacts of fishing on pelagic ecosystems
15-18 Oct 2012 Montpellier (France)
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Book of abstracts EBFMtuna2012
Good Practices Guide shark mortality PS
Guia Buenas Practicas mortalidad tiburones
ID guide bycatch PS WCPO
ID guide bycatch LL WCPO
ID guide Yellowin and Bigeye tunas
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Week overview
**UPDATED** Detailed programme and presentations
Keynote speeches
Is it good or bad to fish with FADs ? (K. Holland, V. Restrepo, G. Moreno, L. Dagorn)
The behavior of pelagic fishes and its pertinence to fisheries (K. Holland)
Balanced harvest? What is it and how does it relate to EAF? (S. Garcia)
Mitigating problematic bycatch and broader ecosystem-level effects of pelagic tuna fisheries (E. Gilman)
Economic incentives to address bycatch (D. Squires)
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List of Participants
Practical information
Aquarium mare nostrum: getting there
Flights schedule to Montpellier airport
Hotels (info updated 17/09/12)
Montpellier tourism office
Call for abstracts (closed)
MADE: an FP7 project on mitigating impacts of open ocean fisheries
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation
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